"Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow. Don't walk behind me, I may not lead. Just walk beside me and be my friend." - Albert Camus

"Nu merge in fata mea, s-ar putea sa nu te urmez. Nu merge in spatele meu, s-ar putea sa nu te conduc. Mergi langa mine si fii prietenul meu."

marți, 10 ianuarie 2012

Gross National Happiness - Bhutan

"Stiai ca exista un indicator ce masoara fericirea?

Se numeste GNH = Gross National Happiness, adica, fericirea bruta a unei natiuni, si a fost instituit in anul 1972 de catre al IV-lea imparat al Butan-ului, Jigme Singye Wangchuck - care a deschis drumul catre modernizarea acestei mici tari aflate pe muntele Himalaya.
Preocupat de fericirea oamenilor din imparatia lui - observand ca banii si religia nu sunt suficiente - acest imparat si-a propus sa nu mai masoare valoarea produsului brut anual - GNP = Gross National Product - pe care cetatenii lui o aduceau Butan-ului, ci sa masoare fericirea lor."

*Material preluat de pe http://www.impreunareusim.com

GNH value is proposed to be an index function of the total average per capita of the following measures:
  1. Economic Wellness: Indicated via direct survey and statistical measurement of economic metrics such as consumer debt, average income to consumer price index ratio and income distribution
  2. Environmental Wellness: Indicated via direct survey and statistical measurement of environmental metrics such as pollution, noise and traffic
  3. Physical Wellness: Indicated via statistical measurement of physical health metrics such as severe illnesses
  4. Mental Wellness: Indicated via direct survey and statistical measurement of mental health metrics such as usage of antidepressants and rise or decline of psychotherapy patients
  5. Workplace Wellness: Indicated via direct survey and statistical measurement of labor metrics such as jobbless claims, job change, workplace complaints and lawsuits
  6. Social Wellness: Indicated via direct survey and statistical measurement of social metrics such as discrimination, safety, divorce rates, complaints of domestic conflicts and family lawsuits, public lawsuits, crime rates
  7. Political Wellness: Indicated via direct survey and statistical measurement of political metrics such as the quality of local democracy, individual freedom, and foreign conflicts.
The above seven metrics were incorporated into the first Global GNH Survey.

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PS: daca tot suntem la impartasit lucruri frumoase, va recomand inca un documentar:
Babies:  http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1020938/

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