"Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow. Don't walk behind me, I may not lead. Just walk beside me and be my friend." - Albert Camus

"Nu merge in fata mea, s-ar putea sa nu te urmez. Nu merge in spatele meu, s-ar putea sa nu te conduc. Mergi langa mine si fii prietenul meu."

marți, 18 februarie 2014

Ce este progresul? Dar prosperitatea? Surviving progres...

In ultima vreme simt ca nu prea mai am energie sa va vorbesc despre lucruri care devin evidente.

Vreau doar sa va mai recomand un documentar foarte interesant care cu siguranta va va mai ridica cateva intrebari noi, si cu toate acestea, sunt sigur ca undeva in interiorul nostru, fiecare dintre noi stie ce are de facut pentru a crea ceva mai bun si mai ales mai frumos.

Margaret Atwood author
“Instead of thinking that nature is this huge bank that we can just, this endless credit card that we can just keep drawing on, we have to think about the finite nature of that planet and how to keep it alive so that we too may remain alive. Unless we conserve the planet, there isn’t going to be any “the economy”.”

The students of Jeanne Silva Martin’s class, Escola Fabiano Losvano, Sao Paulo, Brazil
“BOY: When I watch the news on TV, I see that they are deforesting the Amazon and I don’t understand why…
TEACHER: What are the interests behind it?
BOY: Economics.”

Daca ati ajuns pana aici si tot nu sunteti siguri ce puteti face, mai jos puteti gasi cateva idei minunate: 

Sacred Economics with Charles Eisenstein
Reimagining Investment for the Whole Human

- One Time A Guy Gave A Homeless Man A Computer, And The Recipient Did Exactly What The Giver Expected
- Why we should give free money to everyone
- Satirical Film Targets the Idea of Bringing ‘Development’ to Native Tribes and Completely Nails It

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